The intent of this post is nothing but to motivate you to break your PR!
For a layman, PR is an abbreviation used by experienced athletes and coaches which means PERSONAL RECORD, the task which you managed to accomplish for the first time in your life!
The intent of this post is nothing but to give you some hacks about how you can channelize all your energy into that set, that explosive repetition and conquer something which you never imagined you can!
There’s a thin line between IMAGINATION and VISUALISATION. Imagination lacks focus. It lacks that dire attitude of wanting something no matter what. You can literally get lost in your own imagination and the outcome can be nothing but wasting time. Daydreaming. Driving a Ferrari in Napa Valley. Imagination is endless. It's like seeing way ahead into the future unintentionally ignoring about present conditions.
Visualisation is different. Again I repeat, the intent of this post is to motivate you all by telling you how you can run faster, jump higher or lift heavier! How you can break your PR!
In my 6 years of Personal Training and having an experience of personal training more than a 100 clients I do not recall telling anybody about this hack. Actually, I discovered this somewhere in the year 2013 while pursuing the Master Trainer’s Course conducted by Kaizzad Capadia. The reason I never told this to any of my clients is because its extremely hard for an average Joe who is just training under you for months or maybe a year to fully understand its seriousness and practical implication.
So without further adieu, let us understand what Visualisation, pertaining to physical performance means..
To cut it short, its nothing but seeing yourself accomplish the task you are preparing for. Seeing videos of the athletes or sportsmen who you admire or follow and duplicating or mimicking the task they did (which you are about to do) so it gives you that hope and miraculous blessings from them.
Sounds easy and lame right? But there’s more than it meets the eye..
When you are visualizing something, you are actually in a different zone. A zone which you voluntarily stepped into to engage in a deep conversation between your mind and the target in front of you. Its a superb form of meditation. The world around you blurs. You can feel your heartbeat skyrocketing as the body is preparing for something phenomenal. You have the eye of the tiger. You talk to yourself like you are drugged. Adrenalin rushing into every corner of your body. During the phase of visualisation, there is an intense desire of accomplishing the task ahead of you, which can be seen. Victory is just one pull ahead. Greatness is just a push ahead. It doesn’t matter what lies next, it doesn’t matter whether you’ve slept the previous night or not, it doesn’t matter whether your phone is constantly ringing, whether you have nagging injuries, whether you had a fight with your loved ones, whether you had a tussle with your boss.. What matters is what lies in front of you. The task at hand. This critical phase of visualisation makes sure you don’t get carried away by such expendable things. It gives you all the authority to engage. This tiny little thing withholds a future champion! You!
Some of you all might already be doing this. Some of you will do this as you are done reading the blog. But I promise you, incorporating this tiny little thing called as VISUALISATION in your lifestyle would give you surreal accomplishments. Whether you are an elite athlete or an aspiring artist, this WILL help you and it beautifully turns out as a therapy.
As William Gilbert rightly said, “Losers visualise the penalties of failure, winners visualise the rewards of success”
Happy lifting and hope you break your PRs.