The only reason why I am writing this blog is that whenever my existing client who achieves dramatic results in the form of aesthetics, strength and performance or if I get a new client who “looks” fit to a large scale, there are a bunch of individuals talking behind my back as to WHY this particular client of mine needs me? A Personal Trainer!
Most of the time, in today’s age, Personal Trainers are hired as a status symbol. A luxury. A Personal Trainer will always bring the weights to the clients, will rack and unrack the dumbbells, will load and unload the plates from the machines and all the ”labour work” is saved by the client.
Let me tell you that people thinking the same have no regards to exercise sciences, goal setting, diets, exercise protocols, form and technique and performance. Or maybe they are dead serious about exercise and are slightly uneducated about this field or how a Personal Trainer can help him in certain ways. Some of them will come to the gym to do some curls, aerobics, socialize or sweat around the cardio machines. Some of them carry a very casual and light approach towards any exercise.
A fairly good cardio machine is like your own Personal Trainer. Once a program is fed in the machine, the machine won't really sense whether you are tired or not and will continue till the program is finished or manually stopped. This ensures you run an extra mile and achieve the goal which you have set.
Weight Training is different. No machine, dumbbell, barbell, plate, bench or cable can be a source of judging failure, monitoring intensity or rectifying form and technique. This is where the role of a Personal Trainer is of utmost importance. The words Form and technique are so widely used that they are spread like a virus around the gym goers and these days no one really cares how their form is while lifting weights. Resistance training is the only modality of exercise where there’s so much disrespect as to HOW the weights are lifted.
Have you ever seen a competitive swimmer in Lane 1 freestyling differently than the swimmer in Lane 2? No! The form and techniques used here are same. Its because that particular form will help them achieve the best speeds. It will help them cut through the water at ease. Same goes in lifting weights. If the form and technique is picture perfect, you will definitely be able to lift a few kilos heavier. You will be maximizing efficiency. Efficiency is nothing but minimizing efforts and maximizing output. A Certified Personal trainer will make sure you first get the form right and then start lifting heavier. If you want to lift the heaviest, your form must be perfect.
So if you are concerned about your Form and Technique on the gym floor, you will hire a Certified Personal Trainer!
Following the same point, how many of you have heard some friend of yours getting injured when weight training? A good form will make sure you don’t get injured on gym floor. Your Personal Trainer will make sure that your form is right throughout the set, that you maintain rigidity and body tightness all the way to your last rep. He will be the one to judge all this and cue you to your corrections.
So if you are worried about getting injured, you will hire a Certified Personal Trainer.
Whether you like it or not, a Personal Trainer will always set up goals for you. Whether is loosing fat, building muscle, getting stronger at your workouts or running a mile more. Goal setting is a key in joining a gym. So a good workout plan is essential. A Certified Personal Trainer will be your workout planner. He will make sure you train optimally and efficiently. I’ve literally seen personal trainers overtraining their clients giving them an endorphin rush/ runners high (feel good factor after long and sweaty workout) Well a new blog on that coming soon). There's a saying, those who fail to plan, plan to fail.
So if you are keen on goal setting and have regards towards efficient and effective training, you will hire a Certified Personal Trainer.
People who spend ages in gym without results are the most demotivated ones. They come to their workouts as a routine activity. Motivation is a tremendous factor contributing towards a complete change in the lifestyle of an individual. Just shouting throughout the set ain’t motivation. Reminding him of what he joined for and why is he here is also a part of motivation. They just lack a PUSH. Once pushed, they are on a beautiful journey on getting fit(er).
So if you are the demotivated soul or if you lack a PUSH, you will hire a Certified Personal Trainer.
Some Personal Trainers expand their expertise in Nutrition and dietetics and also give right diets to the clients. What gets into your dinner plate matter a lot. A personal Trainer can’t go to the client’s house and see whether he is eating right or not. But he can make sure their clients follow it on regular basis so as to avoid performance dropping and delayed results.
So if you are really concerned about performance dropping due to irregular diet, You will hire a Certified Personal Trainer.
Not every client is normal. Some of them might be fighting a strong disorder like polio or some might be injured in some or the other accident. Contraindication to some workouts become important in such situations. You don’t want to aggravate the existing condition don’t you?
So if you are having some medical problem or any injury, you will hire a Certified Personal Trainer so that he makes sure you workout in a safe environment and in a safest possible way simultaneously increasing your performance.
I can copy paste a list of ”benefits of having a personal trainer” from leading websites but that’s not my point here. The point was the general mentality people carry towards personal trainers. Personal trainers will keep your intensity in track, will be your coach, guide, motivator, helper, adviser, planner, a teacher, a friend and what not…
I take pride in lifting 135 pound bar and giving it on my client’s shoulder so that he squats without any hesitation in the peak hours of the gym where power cage is generally crowded. I take pride in getting the pair of 80 pounders to the bench so that the client does not have to do anything but focus on his next bench press set. This is the whole crux of Personal training. This is no labour work for us. We ensure that our client does not waste any energy in racking and unracking the dumbbells and give his best in the subsequent set. Professional athletes and bodybuilders also have their Personal Trainers doing all this stuff so that they can give 100% performance on that particular exercise.
”You can spend ages in a gym without results or spend a few months with a good trainer and discover what results really feel like”